Ok, morgen läuft der dritte Film im Kino an, daher mülle ich das Blog mal wieder mit einem solchen Spaßtest zu. Aber nur, weil ich es geschafft habe, einer meiner Lieblingscharaktere der X-Men zu "werden" …
You scored as Cyclops. Cyclops is the team leader of the X-Men, and a skilled one at that. He loves Jean Grey very much. He's a strict and sometimes uptight leader, but he believes in his cause and he knows what he's fighting for... Peace between Mutants and Humans. Powers: Optic blasts
Cyclops | 75% | ||
Jean Grey | 70% | ||
Rogue | 70% | ||
Beast | 65% | ||
Wolverine | 50% | ||
Colossus | 50% | ||
Storm | 50% | ||
Emma Frost | 45% | ||
Nightcrawler | 45% | ||
Gambit | 35% | ||
Iceman | 25% |
Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0 created with QuizFarm.com
Bin mal gespannt, ob er morgen etwas mehr zu tun hat, und nicht nur gegen Wolverine anstinken muss …
4 Antworten
Jemand ein Eis? :-p
Iceman 70%
Wolverine 65%
Gambit 65%
Beast 60%
Rogue 55%
Cyclops 50%
Jean Grey 45%
Storm 45%
Emma Frost 45%
Nightcrawler 40%
Colossus 35%
You scored as Jean Grey. Jean Grey is likely the most powerful X-Man. She loves Cyclops very much but she has a soft spot for Wolverine. She’s psychic so she can sense how others are feeling and tries to help them. She also has to control her amazing powers or the malevolent Phoenix entity could take control of her and wreak havok. Powers: Telekinetic, Telepathic
Colossus 70%
Jean Grey 70%
Gambit 60%
Rogue 60%
Iceman 60%
Nightcrawler 50%
Cyclops 45%
Wolverine 45%
Emma Frost 40%
Storm 35%
Beast 30%
Ron das ist nur ein Test, nur weil du Cyclops bist komme nicht auf dumme Idee
You scored as Emma Frost.
Emma Frost is a former enemy of the X-Men but has joined them. She finds certain rules about not reading minds without permission to confining, and she still retains a bit of a bad-girl side. Some x-men are not certain of her alligence, and for good reason. Powers: Telepathy, Can turn her skin into Diamond, Psychic persuasion
Emma Frost
95% Beast
80% Iceman
80% Gambit
70% Rogue
65% Wolverine
60% Jean Grey
55% Cyclops
55% Storm
55% Nightcrawler
50% Colossus
tja, noch frage…das böse siegt immer!
Will jemad von mir gegrillt werden? XD Ich bin gefährlich… XDDD You scored as a Jean Grey Jean Grey is likely the most powerful X-Man. She loves Cyclops very much but she has a soft spot for Wolverine. She’s psychic so she can sense how others are feeling and tries to help them. She also has to control her amazing powers or the malevolent Phoenix entity could take control of her and wreak havok. Powers: Telekinetic, Telepathic Jean Grey
Emma Frost